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Southern kids hobby

When you live by the sea in Iran you have to learn how to swim all by your self, there's nothing there like swimming classes. The thing is though, the actual teacher for swimming to southern people is the sea itself and nothing else. Basically, sea is connected to your life cycle since you get born till you get old. Swimming is become your top hobby no matter which season. It's like seeking the sea and it's vast environment which you never get enough of it because it's deep, quiet, silent, joyful and sometimes it's savage, hard and impossible to reach its end. It's whatever you want to fulfill your fantasy within it.
Bushehr is a port island in the south western of Iran which is attached to the Persian gulf from north, south and west. This city is located 18 meter height of the sea and it has semi hot and humid weather in more than half a year.
This specific gallery has been captured by Apple iphone.

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